Friday, July 26, 2019

A Marketing Plan for the Budgens Research Proposal

A Marketing Plan for the Budgens - Research Proposal Example We will have to take special care to find out which of the environmental factors –social, political, cultural, economic, legal, technological-are the most important for the Budgens at the present time and which ones could be the most important in the next twelve to eighteen months. We should also concentrate on external agents such as competitors, suppliers, customers, trade unions, governments, shareholders, a local community which is affecting the company most.Here our client organization, the Budgens is planning for a period of 12 to 18 months in a market environment where the competition is severe from the big four supermarket retailers comprising of Tesco, Asda (Wal-Mart), Sainsbury’s, and Morrison’s. The sales forecast has to be done by taking to consideration of such competitor behavior and the market environment.The total environment can be segmented into three classes as 1.Mega environment 2.Micro environment. 3. Relevant environment. Out of these three groups as far as the now discussed market planning for the Budgens is concerned microenvironment is the most important one because the planning is for a relatively shorter period of 12 to 18 months. Therefore our important environmental factors of concern are suppliers, competitors, consumers, governments, local community, and shareholders.The main environmental advantages of the Budgens are their suppliers, who are quality assurance approved. Their independently functioning local retailers are in partnership with them. They care most for the quality of the food. They care for their consumers and the local community. As the Budgens is strictly abiding by rules, regulations and the government policies, there is no clash with the government. Now the only point of concern as far as the environmental factors are concerned is, from the competitors. Such issues we should address through the SWOT analysis and the resource analysis; and the findings may be taken seriously while proceeding t hrough the process of market segmentation, targeting, positioning Etc. Finally, the formation of the marketing mix and promotion policies are to be decided to base the above discussed environmental factors. The main factor needs to be focused on is the severe competition from the equally strong rivals. Advertising and other sales promotion policies such as offering discounts, special offers Etc. are recommended for the Budgens, based on the environmental analysis.   Thus a proper analysis of the environment, especially the analysis of the external environment will enable the company to locate its strengths and opportunities.

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